Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Christmastime is a wonderful holiday to celebrate with our families and friends. Let us all remember that Jesus Christ is the reason for the season.

I would like to share this quote with you:

God's Gift

"Christmas gifts? There were none at that time. The Wise Men came later with their offering."

"But God now gave His gift to the world-

that of His Only Begotten Son. And this divine Son by His very birth gave Himself as the greatest Gift of all time."

"He would provide the plan for our salvation. He would give His life that we might rise from the grave and have a happy life in the eternities, forever. Who could give more?"

"What a gift this was think what it means to us! We can learn patience, devotion, and faithfulness such a Mary had. And like her Son we can follow the true gospel principles, being in the world but not of the world."

(Mark E. Peterson, "His Gift to the World, "New Era, Dec 2002, 8)

Me and my family would like to wish you all a very "MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR!"



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