Friday, September 11, 2009

A Bible! A Bible!

By Queenie1

Are you reading your scriptures? I pondered this question when I was preparing to speak with my clergyman.

I thought about it but then I thought I have so many responsibilities at home, work and church. I thought it’s so hard to read a whole chapter a day every day but I realized that I was only making excuses for myself. I justified in my own mind that I had done some good things to help others and that I didn’t really need to read my scriptures.

Inside my heart felt heavy and I felt this deep longing for something that was missing in my life. I needed something to pick me up to face my daily challenges. I wasn’t quite sure what it was that I needed.

At church over the next several months as I was talking with different friends they had told me how daily scripture reading had changed their lives. They seemed to have a lot more peace and contentment than I did. They also seemed to feel the spirit of the Lord a lot more than I did.

When I went home I started to ponder and think about the changes I seen in my friends lives from daily scripture study. I wondered if it would be good for me too. I wondered if daily scripture study would bring me the positive changes in my life that I so desperately needed! I decided to set a goal and to start reading my scriptures daily. At first it was hard and very difficult but I tried to set a time to read the scriptures daily.

As time has passed I have read my scriptures cover to cover. I have realized that reading the scriptures daily has brought into my life a great peace. My life seems to have more purpose and I seem to be a lot happier than I was before.

Reading the scriptures daily has also given me more knowledge and understanding than I could get from anywhere else. The scriptures are full of life stories and how people chose to live their lives, how they dealt with their problems they encountered. I discovered in the scriptures that the problems the people encountered daily are really not so much different than what I encounter today thousands of years later. Our world is different than in the Bible times but people and their relationships to one another are really the same. There’s a lot to learn and understand from the past and peoples choices that can help us in our lives today here and now.

I look forward to more knowledge and understanding as I continue to read and study my scriptures again and again. Imagine what I will have learned after a life time pursuit of studying the scriptures!

1 comment:

Nora said...

I also need to learn from this...
I dont read as often as I should.... thanks for this post Jeannette